Intermingle - significado y definición. Qué es Intermingle
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Qué (quién) es Intermingle - definición

¦ verb mix or mingle together.
v. (d; intr.) to intermingle with (to intermingle with the crowd)
v. a., v. n.
Blend, mingle, commingle, intermix, commix, mix, mix together.
Ejemplos de pronunciación para Intermingle
1. and intermingle the energies.
Viva LA!™ _ Andre Miripolsky _ Talks at Google
2. Bach's music would intermingle
3. intermingle less and less than ever before.
The Power of Human _ Adam Waytz _ Talks at Google
4. It's just where people come together to intermingle.
Extreme by Design _ Arthur Darvill _ Talks at Google
5. that ideas intermingle in order to create new ideas
The Evolution of Everything - How New Ideas Emerge _ Matt Ridley _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Intermingle
1. Leaning over the balcony, partners in crime, the girls and the boys intermingle.
2. In the neighboring town of Husaybah, Iraqis and marines intermingle on patrol.
3. The show is a comedy in which players, clowns, puppets, live music and dance intermingle with each other.
4. Q: Do you ever miss being around people, or do you intermingle with enough people through your other activities?
5. Others have noted the Taliban deliberately intermingle with civilians in such firefights, thus raising the risk of civilian deaths.